PaverGuideTM is the flagship product of PaverGuide, Inc.

PaverGuideTM is 100% recycled plastic structural stormwater chamber designed specifically for permeable pavements.


Shallow Depth

3 ½ inches thick with 90% void space replaces 10-inches of open graded stone subbase.  No base or bridging layer required.

Can be shallow as 8-inches from  surface to subgrade.



Each 24-inch by 20-inch by 3 ½-inch piece weighs 7 pounds replaces 400 pounds of stone.


Structurally Stable

Load testing completed in accordance with AASHTO M306:

Design Load: 16,000 pounds

Failure Load: 29,600 pounds

0.19-inches deflection after 500,000 repetitions up and down of 12,000 pounds

Fire Ladder Truck Load Test:

67,473 pounds failure using 26-inch by 30-inch plate

Reduces Compaction & Promotes Infiltration

Interlocking pieces spread load over larger area and reducing the subgrade pressure from surface loads.

Environmentally sensitive materials

Made from 100% post-industrial recycled plastic.

1,000 square feet of PaverGuide replaces 60 tons of non-renewable stone and reduces CO2 emissions by 0.4 tons.